Digitalizam Procese & Documente de 15 Ani

Am trecut prin multe tehnologii, dorind tot timpul sa avem cea mai moderna, cea mai sigura, si cea mai simpla aplicatie, astfel incat clientii sa vada beneficii imediate si sigure


Clientii nostri ne recomanda calduros.

Trusted professionals
They are the most knowledgeable partner I know. Definitely one of our best partners in the world. Their technical capabilities on OnBase are outstanding!
Pierre Francois
Sales Solutions Engineer, Hyland Software
Beyond these aspects, the pleasure, ease and motivation of working with 'Matricia people' cannot be explained... but must be tried.
Mariela Bucullei
Operations Director - Leumi Bank
The Matricia team offers the highest quality results through the professionalism and knowledge of its members, having a broad understanding of business requirements and respecting the agreed budget.
Edouard Chapuis
Infomed Fluids
OnBase = Everything is possible.
You just ask for it.
Daniel Crisan
Finance Manager, Scandia
Don't let your guard down.
We need professionals like you.
Doru Spac
IT Manager, Leumi Bank
Always a pleasure to be next to our
best partner that I've ever managed.
Guray Turan
Regional Manager - Hyland Software

Principiile noastre de implementare

Nevoia de Business e mai importanta decat tehnologia.

Group 4

Ne concentram pe asigurarea adoptiei si stabilitatii.


Configuram sisteme pe care puteti construi in viitor.

Group 8

Nevoia ta de Business

Suntem consultantii tai. Suntem aici sa te ajutam sa-ti atingi obiectivul in organizatie, sa aduci transformarea fara sa iti asumi riscuri si sa obtii buy-in.

Vom intelege problema in profunzime, si vom gandi solutia care va fi adoptata, si care va avea cel mai mare impact cu cele mai putine riscuri sau costuri.

Group 1

Construim sisteme ce vor fi folosite.

Ca sistemele noastre sa fie folosite de sute, sau de mii de utilizatori la clienti precum Curtea de Conturi a Romaniei, sau Regina Maria, a fost nevoie sa gandim sisteme logice, ce vorbesc cu utilizatorii.

Sofisticarea e ascunsa. Pentru fiecare user, totul este simplu.

Moduri in care asiguram adoptia:


Gasim sweet-spot-ul dintre rigiditate si flexibilitate, ca sa putem lua in considerare exceptiile.


Utilizatorii fac task-uri, vad task-uri, primesc notificari. Sistemul face restul. 


Integrarea cu alte sisteme este esentiala. Astfel nu dublam informatiile si munca.


Aducem interfata acolo unde esti tu. Pe mobil. Pe web. In Outlook. 

Group 775

Clientii Nostri

Regina Maria, Curtea de Conturi a Romaniei, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, FirstBank, ProCredit Bank, Metro, REWE, Boromir, CEC Bank, Garanti Bank, Gothaer Asigurari, Groupama, Carrefour, HelpNet, si multi altii. 

Toti acest Manageri au ales sa-si puna proiectul de digitalizare in mainile noastre. Si toti se bucura ca au facut-o, caci in acele proiecte complexe le-am salvat multe batai de cap, iar acum extind si modifica solutiile implementate constant.

Consultare de 30 de min!

Business Done Right. De 30 de ani.

Horia Negulescu

Horia became an ERP consultant in ‘93, and took over Scala Business Solutions Romania in the 2000s. He successfully sold the company to Epicor Solutions in 2006.

After 15 years of ERP experience, Horia wanted to bring a new kind of product to Romania, realizing that companies need it, so he founded Matricia Solutions.

"My approach with Matricia is centered around two words: trust and pragmatism. Within the organization, I trust my team, because I know that each member is serious, dedicated, responsible and ingenious and in order to achieve its objectives, it needs the freedom of its own approach. We always find the simplest, most efficient, and safest solution, and because we treat the needs of our partners with the utmost seriousness, we gain the trust of our customers."

Diana Lungulescu

Diana has worked closely with Horia for over 30 years. She felt that companies’ content needs to be managed around their Core systems. Together with Horia she chose OnBase and Hyland.

After 15 years of partnership, she believes more than ever that OnBase is the solution many organizations need, without knowing so.

"I believe that teams must be built, that people are the most important resource. Thus, a member of the Matricia team must be able to grow in the organization with us, together with the team, in the long run. Only in this way can we truly work together, and can we turn individual skills into common resources. Only an organization in which people come to work with pleasure can offer a quality service that meets the expectations of our customers."