1 min read

Securitatea datelor: Rolul content management în bănci și asigurări

Implementarea unor soluții eficiente de content management poate contribui semnificativ la protecția și confidențialitatea...

content management process automation document management
2 mins read

Boosting Business Efficiency in Romania: Scalable Document Management

A key aspect of this digital transformation is adopting effective content management systems that streamline document...

2 mins read

The Critical Role of Document Management for Romanian Businesses

Recent research highlights the importance of efficient document management systems in enhancing productivity, collaboration,...

4 mins read

5 Trends in Financial Services that will shape the Year 2020

Financial institutions must prioritize digital transformation and CX for competitiveness. Key 2020 trends: smart automation,...

3 mins read

Why is content management a condition for success today?

Yes, many numbers, but relevant. They show the real transformation that is happening in business today. There are two clear...

2 mins read

Hyland and BluePrism: Partners for Integrated RPA

Hyland, a leader in content services, partners with Blue Prism, a leader in RPA, to provide a powerful automation and content...

2 mins read

5 Steps to Create a Culture of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is not just about software, but also cultural change, starting from leaders and involving collaboration,...

2 mins read

What does the IT built around the customer really look like

Forrester Finds Leaders in Customer Experience (CX) Enjoying Growth

2 mins read

Leadership Crisis in Digital Transformation: What Studies Tell Us

WiPro has launched a new study that shows that leadership in digital transformation is in crisis.

6 mins read

8 Typical Mistakes in Digital Transformation (and How They Can Be Fixed)

This year, organizations will invest in the area of 1.3 trillion dollars trying to operate more efficiently, innovate faster,...



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